Community Publication Says 'Hire Me! End AIDS with Jobs'


Amida Care has published a special community publication, "Hire Me! End AIDS with Jobs," produced in partnership with Alliance for Positive Change, Alpha Workshops Studio School, Cicatelli Associates Inc., Exponents, The Fortune Society, GMHC, Housing Works, The LGBT Center, National Working Positive Coalition, NYS AIDS Institute, NYS Education Department, and Translatina Network.

Improved health has allowed more and more people living with HIV to enter or re-enter the workforce. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently confirmed that a person with HIV who has an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the virus to others. When people living with HIV are working, they are more likely to take care of themselves, monitor their health, adhere to medical appointments, and take their medications. Having a living-wage job is key to staying healthy-physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

The magazine highlights employment as one of the most important social determinants of health and key to reaching New York State's goal to End the AIDS Epidemic by the year 2020. Topics include job training programs for people living with HIV, employment opportunities and resources, and calls to action around creating jobs for people living with HIV. Community members, health care providers, and other contributors share advocacy goals and personal success stories.

"Thanks to decades of advocacy and medical research, HIV is now a manageable chronic condition. We know that being a part of the workforce leads to better quality of life and sustained viral load suppression. To help end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, we need to focus on employment for people living with HIV and those at risk," said Doug Wirth, president and CEO of Amida Care. "This is a forum to share ideas and resources. We're delighted that so many community members and partners participated and shared their knowledge and experience.

To read the report, visit

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