Amida Care Mobilizes to Stop Health Care Sabotage


The tax fight in Congress is really a fight about health care. Just in time for Thanksgiving, Republicans are promoting a tax bill that would take away health coverage for millions.

The bill would repeal the individual mandate and increase pressure to gut safety net programs like Medicaid in future budgets. Any cuts to Medicaid will hurt those most in need. This includes 74 million Medicaid recipients who are veterans, women, children, people with chronic conditions like HIV and diabetes, and hard-working Americans who count on Medicaid for health insurance (60 percent of Medicaid recipients are working).

Over the last several months we have witnessed triumphs and setbacks in our efforts to preserve access to health care for all Americans. Medicaid and the ACA have repeatedly come under attack, and we have stood strong in the face of immense obstacles. The struggle continues.

President Trump and his administration have issued executive orders and regulations to undermine existing laws and make signing up for health coverage more difficult. In the 2018 budget passed by Congress, Medicaid could face a $1 trillion cut to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

This is unacceptable! Here's what you can do:

Tell your elected officials to oppose any bill that harms health coverage or safety net programs.

Send a message to Congress telling them to stop Medicaid cuts at

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