No Girl Scout Cookies for Right Wingers, Citing Pro-Gay, -Trans, -Choice Stances

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A 14-year-old California Girl Scout recently gained media attention for uploading a YouTube video where she slams the Girl Scouts of America for allowing transgender children into the organization. The teen also demands a boycott on Girl Scout cookies because of the "radical homosexual agenda," CBS Los Angeles reported in a Jan. 13 article.

The teen, only known as "Taylor," reacts to the Girl Scout's decision that allowed a 7-year-old transgender boy to join the organization's Colorado division. She says that the money made from the Girl Scout cookies help "push a radical homosexual agenda at the expense of the Scouts' safety."

The Girl Scouts initially refused Felisha Archuleta's 7-year-old son, Bobby, membership because he identifies as a female but is anatomically male, EDGE reported in an Oct. 2011 article.

A Girl Scout worker rejected Bobby when he went to apply for membership.

"I said, 'Well, what's the big deal?'" Archuleta said. "She said 'It doesn't matter how he looks, he has boy parts, he can't be in Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts don't allow that [and] I don't want to be in trouble by parents or my supervisor.' "

"It was like somebody told me I can't like girl stuff, and I have to change my name to something else," Bobby said.

Soon after the incident, the Girl Scouts issued a statement and said that the boy's rejection was not a reflection on the organization and that they would allow him to join.

Several right-wing and anti-gay organizations took "Taylor's" side and were appalled that the Girls Scouts accept transgender children.

Life Site News reported on the incident and advocated the boycott on Girl Scout cookies. In addition, they also claim that the Girl Scouts promote abortion.

"The Girl Scouts have declared 2012 to be 'The Year of the Girl,' announcing that they will be 'working to break down societal barriers that prevent girls from leading in their own lives,'" the website writes. "What barriers? What does 'leading in their own lives' even mean? Forgive me for thinking it has something to do with sex or abortion."

The website goes on to say that the Girl Scouts have been "pro-choice for years" and have teamed up with Planned Parenthood. The site also claims that Planned Parenthood has published a sex guide that promotes promiscuity in girls and calls for its readers to participate in the boycott.

The Girl Scouts were involved in another controversy recently, EDGE reported in a Dec. 2011, article. Yaasmin Hooey, a lesbian and the director of finance for the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, embezzled more than $311,000 by forging several checks and issuing unauthorized wire transfers.

Watch "Taylor's" Girl Scout rant below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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