Pro linebacker comes out in support of marriage equality

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo showed his support for marriage equality by attending a recent reception held by grassroots organization Equality Maryland, which aims to legalize marriage for same-sex couples in the state, the Washington Blade reported.

"If Britney Spears can party it up in Vegas with one of her boys and go get married on a whim and annul her marriage the next day, why can't a loving same-sex couple tie the knot?" Ayanbadejo wrote in a opinion piece published in the Huffington Post. "We will look back in 10, 20, 30 years and be amazed that gays and lesbians did not have the same rights as everyone else."

David Toth, Equality Maryland's interim executive director, said that when a person "like Brendon Ayanbadejo speaks out for marriage equality, scores of people who may not give thought to LGBT issues will hear crucial equality messages from someone they themselves aspire to be."

Ayanbadejo has been selected for the National Football League's Pro Bowl three times.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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