In brief: Wanted: a good gay screenplay

Michael Wood READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The One In Ten Screenplay Contest, the largest screenplay contest dedicated to the positive portrayal of the LGBT community, will celebrate its 10th anniversary with this year's contest.

"We are excited to celebrate our tenth anniversary and are looking at a record number of entries this year," said contest founder and executive director David Jensen, who is also a screenwriter and filmmaker. "We are continually amazed with the quality of talent that comes through the door year after year."

The One In Ten Screenplay Contest has grown to become the largest targeted gay and lesbian contest in the world, with over 200-300 screenplays being entered in the contest every year, according to Mike Dean, the contest coordinator.

The mission of the One In Ten contest is to promote and present the LGBT community in a positive light, thus the only requirement for entry is that screenplays portray at least one primary LGBT character positively. In other words, aspiring screenwriters with flicks featuring ice-pick wielding bisexuals, transgender serial killers, closeted cowboys or suicidal lesbians need not apply.

According to Dean, none of the winning screenplays have been produced, but winners of the contest have gone on to be successful working writers in Hollywood.

Each screenplay is reviewed and judged by a panel of industry judges who choose finalists based on whether the script depicts an LGBT character positively, while also judging on proper screenplay format and the strength of the stories and characters. Contests winners are awarded cash prizes as well as industry contacts.

Entries can be submitted online at the contest web site through Sept. 1,, and only the first 300 submissions will be accepted into the contest. Winners will be announced on Nov. 15.

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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