The ABCs of IVF

Nov 27, 2024

Pat Robertson Tells Viewer to Blow Off Her Gay Kid's Wedding


As if having a parent who watched the "700 Club" and sought advice from Pat Robertson wasn't bad enough...

On Thursday's edition of the "700 Club," Televangelist Pat Robertson continued his tradition of throwing "Christian charity" to the lions by telling a viewer, who was conflicted over whether or not she and her spouse should attend their gay child's wedding, that upcoming nuptials was splitting their marriage and that they should not attend, Right Wing Watch reports.

A viewer name "Shari" wrote in:

"My spouse and I are not in agreement as to whether or not we should attend the gay marriage of our child. One of us feels that it is totally against the Lord's plan and our attendance would send (at very least) a mixed message, or at worse it would be like taking a stand for gay marriage. The other feels our attendance would show support to our child that is necessary for the future of our relationship and witness. What do you think we should do? Should one attend, while the other does not?"

Robertson's response: "You don't agree with it. You've got to stand there and be a witness to it. By your attendance at the ceremony, you are agreeing with it ... I just wouldn't go. I would tell your child, 'I love you but I cannot condone this. We will always love you but I don't condone this activity.'"

Claiming that the gay child's "conduct was splitting [their] marriage," Robertson advised, "Be in unity, and I would say don't go."


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