Parents in New Zealand Find Penis-Shaped Gummies Hard to Swallow

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Candy and scandal have a long history of going hand-in-hand. Remember the "spiders eggs in Bubble Yum" scare of '76 or the "Mikey from the Life cereal commercial died from a lethal combination of Pop Rocks and Coca Cola" rumor of '82? To add to that list, some parents in New Zealand recently found themselves up in arms about an unexpected gummy confection that they're finding hard to swallow, The New Zealand Herald reports.

Bowing to pressure from outraged parents, Penis-shaped gummies, which were on sale exclusively in the South Island region of New Zealand, have been recalled from shops.

Jacqui Hawkins whose partner received a bag of the anatomically correct goodies as a gift from his children, failed to see any humor when she reached into the bag of soft sweets and found a candy cock in her hand.

Another candy in the bag was a gummy baby with a penis.
''I don't find anything amusing about it at all. I find it disgusting,'' she said.

A representative from Dutch Rusk, New Zealand's largest candy distributing company, pinned the blame on the Stoke confectionary company, which imported 7,200 bags of mixed gummies that included the phallic sweets from a Chinese manufacturer about six weeks ago.

''You have to look at it two or three times to think that doesn't look right," said Willem Van de Geest, managing director of Dutch Rusk, adding that he was completely "unaware" of the gummies inappropriate shape. ''It won't happen again.''

According to E! online, penis-shaped gummies are apparently not considered offensive in Asia and is considered a sign of fertility and health.

''They wouldn't even blink an eyelid." said Van de Geest. "We see it as offensive. We don't mind a hand or a foot being part of a lolly but we object to a breast or a penis.''

Those unable to buy the dick gummies before the recall, can get them easily online. Boxes of Peter Pecker's Penis Gummies are available through for only $11.00.

by Bobby McGuire

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