Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Robin Williams' Funeral

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

In what is probably the least shocking news you'll hear today, the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church announced this week that they will picket the late comedian and actor Robin Williams' funeral, Gay Star News points out.

The anti-gay organization, headquartered in Topeka, Kan., has a very long and tiring history of picketing the funerals of war vets and other celebrities for their "fag enabling" and "god-hating" ways. WBC said its members will hold signs at the memorial for Williams, who took his own life Monday, and said he "decided to use his considerable talent to push filthy lifestyles, flagrant debauchery and hedonism."

The WBC made their announcement via Twitter using the hashtags "#MustPicketFuneral" and "PicketFuneral."

The church also tweeted a link to a video from Williams' HBO special "Weapons of Self-Destruction," where he mocks the Catholic Church's views on homosexuality. And of course the WBC called him "evil" and said he is "burning in hell."

"According to all evidence, God hates Robin Williams & he's burning in hell," the group tweeted Tuesday. And for some reason, they tweeted this message to E! Online, Khloe Kardashian, Harry Styles and Demi Lovato.

Williams, 63, was found dead in his Northern California home Monday. He had been suffering from depression and San Francisco Bay Area sheriff officials said Tuesday that he committed suicide by hanging himself with a belt.

According to Gay Star News, members of the WBC are already in California and have been picketing the headquarters of social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and Pinterest as part of their "God Hates the Media" campaign.

A date for Williams' funeral and services has not been announced. According to the WBC's website, godhatesfags.com, their picket schedule does not mention a picket involving Williams. They plan to be in Kansas City, Mo., by August 19, however, to protest Katy Perry's concenter at the Spring Center.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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