Pam Ann lands in Boston for Pride

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 7 MIN.

Perhaps if the producers of the recent series "Pan Am" had the good sense to hire Pam Ann as part of the cast, the show would still be on the air. But, then again, it can be safe to say that the Aussie comedian (aka Caroline Reid) is not quite ready for prime time.

Not because she's not funny. Pam Ann is a hilarious and original creation: a throwback to the more glamorous days of air travel alluded to in that cancelled ABC series. She just may be, well, too much for network censors, who would likely have to redact every other line.

Happily, you can catch Ms. Reid's outrageous creation this Thursday night at the Wilbur Theatre where she'll be performing in a benefit for Boston Pride as part of her "Pam Ann Around the World" tour.

When she last appeared in Boston, our critic wrote:

"Pam Ann herself would probably scream in laughter at her name being uttered in the same sentence with virgin. It's to Carolyn Reid's credit how easy it is to imagine the wicked delight Pam Ann would take: eyes widening, nostrils flaring and lips curling into the naughtiest of salacious grins.

"More than just a retro paean to a bygone era of glamorous travel, Pam Ann (as a show) could be seen as updating Julie Andrews' role in 'Victor Victoria' (a woman playing a man playing a woman). The more direct influence (and peer) for both Pam and Carolyn is Dame Edna and her creator Barry Humphries.

"The two performers both play with the same conventions of sexual identity and decorum. Drag liberates them both. Pam Ann (albeit a fabulously funny woman already) is a big haired, heavily made up stew playing off the notion of airline hostess as classic drag character. Pam Ann often notes that 'gays made me what I am.'"

Even Madonna enjoyed her performance, calling her "cruelly funny."

Pam Ann took a few minutes off her busy schedule to answer a few questions for EDGE:

EDGE: When was the first time you flew?

Pam Ann: As an unattended minor in the '70s from Melbourne to Sydney. My mother needed a bit of peace, so she shipped me out.

EDGE: Is it true that you came up with Pam Ann after drinking 50 sakis?

Pam Ann: No. More like 100 sakis.

EDGE: How many miles do you fly a year?

Pam Ann: Lost count but a lot.

EDGE: Have you ever been stranded on a runway?

Pam Ann: Yes. In Hong Kong on board a Qantas flight the tire blew on take off.

EDGE: What do you say to people that think you're hiding behind the character of Pam Ann?

Pam Ann: I am. lol.

EDGE: What do you like about gay men?

Pam Ann: They smell good.

EDGE: Why has Pam Ann appealed so much to gay men?

Pam Ann: Because I am a gay man.

EDGE: Do you think it's odd that some think you're a drag queen?

Pam Ann: No. Drag queens taught me everything I know they are my sistahs.

EDGE: You joke a lot about the different air carriers -- do you have a favorite insight with one you'd like to share?

Pam Ann: Virgin Atlantic give good... seat demonstration.

EDGE: What about a favorite insult about a carrier?

Pam Ann: Ryan Air �C Where is the Al Qaeda when you need them?

EDGE: Is Pam dating?

Pam Ann: I have a man in every Starwood Hotel.

EDGE: What would you do if you got on a plane and had Pam Ann as an attendant?

Pam Ann: I would lick her pussy.

EDGE: If Pam were on a reality show, what would it be -- "The Bachelor?" "Survivor?" "Dancing with the Stars?"

Pam Ann: "The Bachelor" I'd fuck them all on the first date. I think they call that a gangbang.

EDGE: Does Pam fly first class?

Pam Ann: Only First Class with concierge service.

EDGE: Has Pam ever joined the Mile High Club?

Pam Ann: With Bob Marley in 1974 �C he penned a song about it 'No Woman No Cry'.

EDGE: Madonna has said great things about you. What was it like performing for her?

Pam Ann: She's a CUNT! lol.

EDGE: Have you been to many gay weddings?

Pam Ann: Can't stand any weddings. They all end in divorce. Why bother? LOL.

EDGE: Did you enjoy your earlier trip to Boston?

Pam Ann: Last time I touched down in Boston my JetBlue aircraft aborted landing I thought I was in an air show when we shot directly up into the sky and almost did a 360.

EDGE: You're going to be in Provincetown. Have you played there before?

Pam Ann: Yes and yes. Even the dogs are gay there.

EDGE: What would Pam Ann have done with Alec Baldwin when he refused to turn off his handheld?

Pam Ann: It would never had happened, everyone can have all electronic devices on when flying Pam Ann Airlines.

EDGE: What would Pam Ann do with Alec Baldwin if given the opportunity?

Pam Ann: Suck his cock.

EDGE: Is Pam Ann headed to television?


You can catch Pam Ann on her "Pam Ann Around the World" tour on Thursday, July 7, 2012, 8pm, at the Wilbur Theatre, 246 Tremont St., Boston, MA. For more information, visit the Boston Pride website.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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