MassEquality's Suffredini named to Equality Federation Board of Directors

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Kara Suffredini, Executive Director of MassEquality, was named to the Equality Federation Board of Directors, the organization announced Friday, Sept. 30. The Equality Federation, a national alliance of LGBT advocacy organizations, works to build a more effective state-based equality movement.

"This is another example of our continued leadership and influence in the movement to build LGBT equality," said Sue Hyde, chair of the MassEquality Education Fund Board of Directors. "We were the first state to achieve marriage equality, we're deeply engaged in passing legislation that will bring full equality for transgender residents, and we're confronting head on the reality of a post-marriage equality world that requires creativity and commitment to truly finish the job of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all LGBT residents from cradle to grave. We couldn't be happier than to see Kara in a position to share what we've learned with other state organizations."

The Equality Federation celebrated Suffredini's addition to its Board of Directors.

"The Equality Federation is thrilled to welcome Kara Suffredini to the Equality Federation Board. Kara has shown such leadership in her role as Executive Director of MassEquality. She brings experience, judgment, creativity and a track record of accomplishment to the board and we look forward to many years of her service," said Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director of the Equality Federation.

Suffredini touted the member organizations of the Equality Federation in their work to further LGBT equality across the country.

"While we've seen some important victories at the federal level, most notably repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and passage of a transgender-inclusive hate crimes act, most of the protections that exist for LGBT people have been enacted at the state level," said Suffredini. "Member organizations of the Equality Federation, like MassEquality, are at the forefront of this work in organizing voters and grassroots support, lobbying for LGBT-inclusive legislation and policy, and educating the public about LGBT people and their families. I look forward to serving on the Equality Federation board and working to provide critical support to statewide LGBT organizations."

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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