Fetish fair weather
Fetish fair weather

"It's hot," was a frequently overheard phrase at the Fetish Fair Fleamarket in the South End this weekend, albeit used more often as a complaint than a statement of approval. It was a sweltering Saturday, and even inside the climate-controlled Cyclorama at The Boston Center for the Arts the temperature was a few degrees north of optimal for many.

by Michael Wood | Jul 24, 2008

Tsongas slams anti-gay military policy
Tsongas slams anti-gay military policy

Massachusetts Rep. Niki Tsongas, the newest member of the state delegation and a member of the House Armed Services Committee's Personnel Subcommittee, delivered a strong rebuke to the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in her opening remarks at the subcommittee's congressional oversight hearing on the policy on July 23.

by Michael Wood | Jul 27, 2008

In advance of historic hearing, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' opponents stress patience on repeal
In advance of historic hearing, 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' opponents stress patience on repeal

In a conference call held in advance of the first-ever congressional hearing on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.), the lead sponsor of a bill to repeal the law, stressed a need to not focus so much on passing the bill right away, but rather on expanding information and exposure on the topic while also opening up the debate.

by Michael Wood | Jul 26, 2008

Same-sex domestic dispute ends on I-93
Same-sex domestic dispute ends on I-93

In what appears to be a domestic dispute between two women, Sandra Howes, 42, was boxed in by police and then held at gunpoint on Interstate 93 in Dorchester yesterday just after noon. According to the <i>Boston Herald</i>, the passenger was screaming for help out of the window of a green 2000 Honda Civic.

by Michael Wood | Jul 26, 2008

Senate gives a pass to MassHealth Equality bill
Senate gives a pass to MassHealth Equality bill

Though the much-anticipated repeal of the 1913 law was not taken up by the House, the Senate effectively passed the MassHealth Equality bill on July 23, taking another large step toward completing the marriage equality movement begun by the <i>Goodridge</i> decision.

by Michael Wood | Jul 25, 2008

Breaking News: DJ Barry Scott found guilty
Breaking News: DJ Barry Scott found guilty

A jury in Orleans District Court deliberated just about 20 minutes before finding openly gay oldies DJ Barry Scott guilty on three charges stemming from his arrest at a private party in Provincetown last summer. Scott's lawyer Will Korman has said his client plans to appeal the verdict.

by David Foucher | Jul 23, 2008

Blood Beats: vol 2
Blood Beats: vol 2

In a world of cookie cutter "entertainment reporting," we need more critics like Ernest Hardy. This collection of his work, much of which originally appeared in <I>L.A. Weekly</i>, is smart, well-informed (mostly covering the pop music beat, he's an astounding encyclopedia of music,) written with a driving clarity, and always grounded in the understanding that pop culture matters precisely because of its triviality.

by Michael Wood | Jul 19, 2008

Haunted Hearths & Sapphic Shades: Lesbian Ghost Stories
Haunted Hearths & Sapphic Shades: Lesbian Ghost Stories

The good news about this creepy collection is that it avoids what a book reviewer whose name escapes me dubbed "the vampire syndrome:" the tendency for the charm or power of a theme to be dissipated when iterated a dozen times.

by Michael Wood | Jul 18, 2008

Lesbian comics rock that...mic
Lesbian comics rock that...mic

Why should Provincetown have a monopoly on lesbian comedy? This Thursday four funny women, New York tested and lesbian approved, will have Club Cafe in stitches (8 p.m. at 209 Columbus Ave., Boston. Tix $12. Info: 617.536.0966).

by Michael Wood | Jul 17, 2008

A novel defense: Convict's bid for retrial hinges on alleged anti-trans discrimination against potential juror
A novel defense: Convict's bid for retrial hinges on alleged anti-trans discrimination against potential juror

At first glance the murder trial of Roxbury gang member Sam Smith, known as "Fat Sam" according to press reports, seems to have little to do with transgender civil rights.

by Michael Wood | Jul 20, 2008

Displaying 67 out of 122 pages